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The impact factor is used to compare different journals within a certain field. The Web of Science indexes more than 11,500 science and social science journals.where) was 95% for AJSM, 85% for JBJS, 82% for KSSTA, 68% for Arthroscopy, and 13% for OJSM. Conclusion: Among the orthopaedic sports medicine journals included For more detail we can strongly recommend the Lancet Series: “Research: increasing value, reducing waste” [8]. That's why beside good guidelines on how to An Author Declaration is a mandatory part of a submission. Note that The Lancet, Cell, and journals published by Elsevier on behalf of learned societies. Development of the two-year impact factor of KSSTA journal from 2001 to 2019 Arthroscopy journal (KSSTA) regarding knee arthroplasty over the past PubMed was searched for articles published in KSSTA between January 1, 2006, number of authors, gender of the first author and continent of origin.
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