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Junior. Contents. Gameboard, 144 two-sided cards, THE GAME OF QUICK DRAW FOR KIDS are trademarks of Pictionary Incorporated, Nevada,. RULES for PICTIONARY. EQUIPMENT. Gameboard, one-minute plastic timer, Divide equally into teams of two to four (see instructions on number of players). Pictionary is a family classic that only requires paper, writing instruments, and the game Pictionary, which should provide you with a gameboard, minute timer,Pictionary Junior Game Rules. This edition of Junior Pictionary has been specially designed for children aged 7 to 12 and contains 1200 carefully chosen This edition of Junior Pictionary™ has been specially designed for you land on an ALL PLAY square later in the game, follow the same rules as above. TIONARY RULES LA. PRO. PICTIONARY. Junior. CONTENTS. Gameboard, 144 (2-sided) cards, pad of paper, one-minute timer, 2 playing pieces, 2 pencils, die.
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