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The Home Center 2 is an electronic device which manages the Fibaro System. The HC2 communicates with the system components (sensors, Fibaro modules) located inFIBARO Home Center Lite is much the same as FIBARO Home Center 2. In terms of performance connecting to Z-Wave devices and the number of devices you can connect DE. FR. ES. PT. IT. PL. RU. Page 3. 3. To start using FIBARO System Home Center 2, please connect the device to power and LAN sockets, as shown below. HC2 back. Download latest manuals of smart home wireless devices. Flood Sensor or the Heat Controller on our official manuals website. Home Center 2. *NOTE: after setting static IP Home Center 2 will loose the router connection. For more information go to Start HC2 with a POWER button and wait
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